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Press Release

8 February 2017

Titchfield Neighbourhood Forum Applications

Time is running out to have your say on proposals to set up a Neighbourhood Forum and Neighbourhood Area in Titchfield, with the aim of developing a Neighbourhood Plan for the area.   

Fareham Borough Council is asking for your comments by Friday 17 February.

Neighbourhood Plans allow communities to set their own priorities and draw up plans for the use and development of land in their area. They should broadly match what is in the Council's Local Plan (which sets out our planning policies e.g. how many new homes are needed in Fareham and where they should generally be located).

Neighbourhood Plans are often prepared by Parish or Town Councils. In places like Fareham, where there aren't any, a Neighbourhood Forum can be set up to produce a plan.  

Councillor Keith Evans, Executive Member for Planning and Development, said "Neighbourhood Forums can play an important role in how land in their area is developed. We want to hear your thoughts on whether you support the idea of setting one up for Titchfield."

You can comment on both the Neighbourhood Forum and proposed Neighbourhood Area applications by completing a short survey External Hyperlink (opens in new window) by Friday 17 February.  A final decision will be taken at the March meeting of the Council's Executive. 

If you have any questions about Neighbourhood Planning or would like a paper copy of the survey please contact our Planning Strategy and Regeneration Team on 01329 824 409 or email You can also get paper copies by visiting the Civic Offices.

If the Council decides to designate the Neighbourhood Forum and Area, no other organisation or body may be designated for the area until that designation expires or is withdrawn.



For further information contact:

Lorna Tipper, PR and Marketing Officer, Tel: 01329 824518


This and previous media releases can be viewed on the Council's website:


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