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Disrepair PreventionCloseup hand signing contract document with pen

What is disrepair?

Disrepair is when a property is damaged and needs repairing to be safe to live in. 

The most common disrepair issues in rented properties are:

What are Fareham Housing responsible for?

As a landlord we have a duty to ensure that your home is to a safe standard.

Fareham Housing will look after the structure and exterior of the property, including floors, walls, windows, drains and gutters. We are responsible for installations for supplying electricity, gas and sanitation, including the toilet, bath and sink. We are also responsible for the external decoration, room heating and hot water. This includes an annual service of any gas appliance installed by us and an electrical inspection every five years.

What repairs am I responsible for? 

There are some repairs that are your responsibility as a tenant.

Tenants are responsible for the decorations inside their homes, and any minor repairs such as the replacement of plugs, chains, toilet seats and replacement smoke detector batteries. Tenants are also responsible for any replacement keys needed, and the repair of windows or doors that have been damaged by you, a member of your household or someone visiting your property.

You can find out more information here.

What to do if your home is in disrepair

If you are a tenant and have a repair or maintenance issue that needs reporting, please contact our Responsive and Repairs team by: 

If you have reported disrepair and we have not fixed it within a reasonable time or you have a repair issue, you can make a complaint online.

Make a complaint 

Our complants process has two simple stages. 

Find out more information and how to submit a complaint.

Housing Ombudsman

We have to meet the requirements of the Housing Ombudsman's Complaint Handling Code. It exists to resolve disputes between tenants and their social housing landlord. Tenants have the right to complain to the Housing Ombudsman at any stage by submitting an online form External Hyperlink - Opens in new tab.

If you wish to make a complaint by post, you can telephone 0300 111 3000 and request a complaint form.

Be wary of housing disrepair companies

We have noticed a heightened presence of companies contacting our tenants' offering a 'no win no fee' service for housing disrepair. They may contact you directly encouraging you to make a claim against your housing provider with promises of large sums of compensation.

Please be aware they may not always be acting with your best interest at heart, and quite often the money they take as fees can be very high. It is our understanding that across the country these firms have been targeting social housing tenants and on occasion this has resulted in tenants left with considerable debts to these companies.

This matter has been raised at government level as it is a concern for most social housing landlords.

What you need to be aware of

Disrepair claims companies are not always what they seem. They may:

Please note, Fareham Housing do not normally cold call. If we do have a need to visit, we will be wearing Fareham Borough Council identification.

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