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Emergency repairs

An emergency repair is something that is likely to cause immediate risk to property or persons if not attended to immediately.

When you contact us to report a genuine emergency repair you know that we will complete the repair or make safe within 24 hours from receiving you repair request (including an out of hours emergency repair).

Examples of an emergency repair include:

This list is by no means exhaustive and in most cases when you report an emergency repair we should be made aware of your individual circumstances, for example, if you are at risk or vulnerable and receiving extra care and help.

Our office opening hours are 08:45am-5:15pm, Monday to Friday

Telephone our repair line team on: 0800 141 2194

Out of hours emergency

Please note that the following system is only for use outside of office hours and is not monitored during the day. If you need to report an emergency between 8.45am and 5.15pm, Monday to Friday, please call the office number: 0800 141 2194.

If you need to report an emergency repair outside of our office opening hours or during a bank holiday, please telephone our emergency out of hours telephone number: 

Please note that if you report your emergency repair outside of office opening hours which could not be reasonably classified as an emergency, we will charge you the extra costs of doing the work outside office opening hours.

Emergency Gas

If you think you have a gas leak:

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