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Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs)

The Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) have been introduced by the Regulator of Social Housing to assess how well social housing landlords are doing in providing good quality homes and services.

The measures focus on five key themes:


Results will be made public each year to allow tenants to understand how well their landlord is doing and compare them to other social housing providers.

You can visit for further information on the Tenant Satisfaction Measures External Hyperlink.

Our latest TSM 2023/2024 results

The survey for 2023-2024 was the first survey in accordance with questions set by the Regulator of Social Housing. 

Fareham Housing conducted the Tenant Satisfaction Survey from December 2023 to January 2024. The results from the survey are below. 

Tenant Satisfaction Measures Results 2023

83.40% are satisfied with the Fareham Housing Service in general                             


70.30% are satisfied that the landlord makes a positive contribution to the neighbourhood

87.40% are satisfied with repairs


63.80% are satisfied with our approach to handling anti-social behaviour

82.50% are satisfied with the time taken to complete repairs


40.20% are satisfied with how their complaints were handled

80.20% are satisfied that they have been provided with a well maintained 


71.20% are satisified that we listen and act on tenants' views

74.50% are satisfied with how clean and well maintained the community areas are


72.70% are satisfied that their landlord keeps them informed about things that matter to them 

85.80% are satisified with how safe their home is 


82.10% feel treated fairly and with respect 

The results of all Registered Providers have now been passed to the Social Regulator of Housing and are expected to be published in the Autumn 2024. 

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