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Tenant Engagement Strategy and Action Plan

At Fareham Housing we want to improve how we listen to and work with our tenants. 

Our Draft Tenant Enagement Strategy 

June 2024 

We are pleased to introduce our Draft Tenant Engagement Strategy which went to Housing Scrutiny Panel on the 27 June 2024. This Strategy sets out our objectives alongside a continuous improvement action plan which shows how we plan to deliver effective tenant engagement.

The Tenant Engagement Strategy went out for public consultation between 16 July and 20 August 2024. 

Our Key Objectives

Fareham Housing is committed to improving our approach to how we listen to tenants and take account of their views. We will build upon and continue developing this strategy with our tenants.

To begin this journey with our tenants, we will apply the following objectives: 

  1. Create a culture that recognises and values tenant engagement

  2. Offer a range of opportunities for meaningful collaboration to ensure all tenants are able to get involved, scrutinise and influence.

  3. Improve communication methods ensuring tenants have convenient access to information and news.


Our Continuous Action Improvement Plan 

Our Tenant Engagement Strategy continuous improvement action plan is a live document which will be updated periodically when appropriate.

By reviewing it on a yearly basis, we can ensure it truly reflects their views as well as the changing world around us.

We will continue to engage tenants, leaseholders, and partners in creating and developing actions, and gather their feedback after we implement the actions.


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