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Keep Up To Date

If you would like to keep up with news from your Council, you can follow us on Facebook or X (formerly Twitter) where we post all the latest news and details of any consultations and events. 


The Council regularly issues press releases throughout the year.  You will find them all in one place under the 'Latest News' button on the homepage of our website.   

Business Newsletter

If you will be working in Fareham or have your own business, you may be interested in signing up for our business newsletter.  You'll find the link, together with previous issues, on our Business information pages under 'B' for business


If you sign up to receive news from our E-panel  you will be one of the first to know about upcoming Council-led events and public consultations. You can sign up for the E-Panel here.


Find out about events taking place in the Borough by clicking the 'What's On' tab on the homepage of our website.

Fareham Today

The Council produces its own magazine, Fareham Today, every few months.  If you would like to be notified by email when the magazine is issued, you can sign up on the 'Fareham Today' page on our website.  Previous issues of Fareham Today can be found via the 'Fareham Today' icon on the homepage of our website.

Fareham LiveFareham Live

Have you heard about Fareham Live, the new arts and entertainment venue which opens in 2024?  As we get closer to the opening, Trafalgar, the new operator, will be promoting shows and events.  You can find out all about it, and sign up for updates, on the 'Fareham Live' page on our website.


Our communications aren't just online.  We have 43 community noticeboards across the Borough which are updated every three weeks.  We  post details of events, including consultations, on them and they are also used by voluntary organisations, community groups and other 'not for profit' organisations to promote their events and messages.  You can find the closest one to your new home by looking under 'N' for noticeboards on the A-Z


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