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Housing Strategies

The Council adopts a strategic approach to affordable housing delivery and management.  The documents included on this page set out the Council's various strategies relating to affordable housing and meeting housing need.

The Affordable Housing Strategy

In October 2019 the Council adopted a new Affordable Housing Strategy PDF (63 MB).  The purpose of the strategy is 'to provide more affordable homes, ensuring they are the right homes in the right places for those in need of affordable housing.'

The strategy includes three key objectives:

  1. To deliver more affordable homes through the planning system
  2. To ensure those homes are the right homes in the right places and that they are truly affordable for those that need them
  3. To directly deliver more affordable homes by Registered Providers and Fareham Housing, especially targeting those in greater need

Below these objectives there are a number of actions aimed at providing more specific information on how the objectives will be delivered.

The approach to affordable housing delivery should also be considered alongside the Council's adopted Local Plan and relevant Supplementary Planning Document, which outline the requirements for affordable housing on development proposals.

In addition to the affordable housing need outlined in the Affordable Housing Strategy, additional guiding information about the affordable need by area and property size is available here.

The Fareham Housing Regeneration Strategy

In March 2021 the Council adopted the Fareham Housing Regeneration Strategy . PDF (216 KB)This strategy provides information on the factors that the Council will consider when identifying and progressing regeneration and redevelopment opportunities for existing Council homes. Individual site-specific appendices will be produced when projects are identified.

Identified sites:

Appendix A: Menin House, Privett Road, Fareham (Adopted March 2021)  . PDF (500 KB)

Appendix B: Fort Fareham, Fort Fareham Road, Fareham PDF (1 MB)


Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy

Following an independent Review of Homelessness in Fareham PDF (3 MB) and public consultation, the Council adopted a new Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy PDF (10 MB) in March 2022. 

The strategy sets out our key priorities and the actions we will take, in partnership with key partners, to prevent homelessness and rough sleeping across our Borough over the next 3 years.

The strategy will be kept under review and the delivery plan will be updated yearly to enable a flexible approach to any emerging trends or legislative changes, and a new strategy will be produced in 2025.

Tenancy Strategy

The Localism Act 2011 introduced a new legal requirement for all Local Housing Authorities in England to publish a Tenancy Strategy PDF (1 MB) setting out the matters to which registered affordable housing providers are to have regard in forming policies relating to the management of the tenancies they grant. An updated version of the strategy is being prepared and will be published soon.

The Fareham Housing Interim Process for Damp and Mould

The Fareham Housing Interim Process for Damp and Mould PDF (198 KB) covers the processes to ensure that issues of mould, damp and condensation are tackled quickly and effectively.

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