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Fire Safety in Council Buildings

Following the Grenfell Tower disaster Fareham Borough Council wants to reassure residents of the steps being taken to ensure that our residential properties are safe.

Fire safety has always, and continues to be, at the top of our agenda as part of ensuring the safety of everyone living in our homes.

Additional Action We Will Be Taking

The Council is working to undertake additional reviews of all fire safety arrangements in our properties. This review will not only look at our properties, but also ensure our tenants are fully aware of the arrangements in place. 

As more details of the Grenfell Tower incident become clear we will ensure we follow any advice and guidance released.

How Our Tenants Can Help

Our tenants can help by being vigilant and reporting any damage to communal areas or obstructions to escape routes.  It is also helpful if tenants follow good fire prevention practices in their own property. Hampshire Fire & Rescue service has some useful information External Hyperlink online if you want to know more about fire safety and how to prevent a fire. 

Questions or Concerns

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact our Tenancy Services team.

Tel: 01329 824435


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