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Fareham Park CATS

We have been awarded funding from the Government's Shared Prosperity Fund to help deliver a masterplan of improvements to Fareham Park. 

This page provides feedback from the Let's Talk Fareham Park public engagement meetings. 


You can find out more about the Fareham Park project by visiting the dedicated Fareham Park webpage 


March 2024 

A meeting and exhibition on the topic of Fareham Park took place in March 2024. 

You can view the exhibition External Hyperlink (opens in new window) and presentation PDF (4 MB) provided at the meeting. 



The following were common questions and answers at the meeting: 


Why don't you develop the existing building? 

The current building is not fit for purpose, and it would be more economical and easier to meet the needs of the local community by starting again with a new centre. 

You can find out more about the Fareham Park Project here


Will the new play area be a similar size? What types of equipment will be here? 

The play area will provide a greater range and more inclusive equipment. We anticipate consulting on this in more detail in the spring.  

You can sign up to the E-Panel to stay up to date with online consultations and surveys.  


What will you do about road access in this area when the homes are built? 

The housing phase of the project will only take place after the improvements to the play and leisure facilities are complete and the community centre is built. Access issues will be looked at as part of the development of detailed plans at this time. Traffic management is dealt with by Hampshire County Council. 


There is no sewage on the proposed area of housing. 

Any new homes will be joined into the mains sewer with consent of the water authority. 


How do you currently communicate this project? I was not aware of this until recently. 

You can find out more about the Fareham Park project here. We also have the e-panel where residents can sign up and be notified about online consultations and surveys.  


What happened to the deprivation fund for this area? 

The fund was used for the Highlands Hub which was run by the Church until it's closure. 


The bus services in this area are not frequent. Can the Council help with this? 

Fareham Borough Council cannot influence the frequency of local transport within the Borough. We can approach the bus companies to trial services in the area, but with many travelling on free bus passes they cannot run at a loss, so we need people to use the services. 




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