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AGL scheme

Project Overview

The AGL installation will be based on the AGL design produced by RPS in 2017.  More information is available on the overview plan of the proposed scheme PDF (919 KB) and the full scope of works PDF (347 KB).

In summary, the AGL installation will run the length of runway 05 23, some 1.2 kilometres, and will consist of the following new lights:

  1. New 05-23 runway edge lights
  2. New 05-23 threshold and wing bar lights
  3. New 05-23 approach lights
  4. New 05-23 PAPIs
  5. New taxiway edge lights for taxiway Foxtrot (up to the coastguard dispersal)
  6. New runways guard lighting for taxiway A, B, C, D, E and F
  7. New illuminated windsock
  8. New aerodrome beacon (mounted on ATC tower)


Seventeen pairs of lights will run along the length of the main runway with further lighting clustered at the south-western (05) end of the runway at the starter extension and along Taxiway F to the south of the site, north of the Control Tower.  A precision approach path indicator (PAPI) will be placed near each end of the runway.  

The position of these lights is likely to alter slightly before the plans are finalised and CAA approval is granted.

View the position of the runway and relevant taxiways PDF (122 KB).


Elevated and Inset AGL

The runway edge, PAPI, wingbars and taxiway edge lights will be elevated lights about 350mm high.  All the other lights, where they cross the runway or within the starter extension to runway 05, will be inset into the existing airport pavements.

All the lights will be high intensity LED; however they will only be lit when an aircraft requires them on in order to land and they will be directed specifically for aircraft flying towards the airfield.


Drawing 3202 PDF (170 KB) shows the proposed type of approach light mast to be located at Monks Hill Car Park PDF (941 KB) and in Daedalus Common/Jubilee Park PDF (605 KB).  These will consist of single columns with one light on top of each. 

A new primary cable will be sunk to connect the lighting system to the new Constant Current Regulators (CCRs) in the Airport Control Tower and a back-up power source will be required. It is hoped that this can be accommodated in the Control Tower, but a new, small-scale building adjacent to the Tower may be required. 

Project Programme

The consultant team was appointed in June 2022, with the installation works taking place between September 2023 and March 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to the questions we get asked the most about the proposed AGL scheme at Solent Airport.

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