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Current Council Tax bands and charges

Fareham's 2025/26 Council Tax of £191.42 has increased by just £5.56 (2.99%) or just over 1p per day for the average home (average in Fareham is a Band B or C Home). 

Fareham provides all of the Borough Council's services to our residents for the sum of less than £3.68 per week and that includes collecting the Council Tax on behalf of Hampshire County Council, the Police & Crime Commissioner and Hampshire & IOW Fire and Rescue.

In 2024/25 we had the 2nd lowest Council Tax in Hampshire and the 4th lowest Council Tax of all District Councils in England.

Image of Money & HousesIf you want to know the band that a particular property falls into in Fareham, you can inspect the valuation list at the Civic Offices during normal working hours. Alternatively, you can check a property banding by going to the Valuation Office Agency Website:  Check your Council Tax BandingExternal Hyperlink (opens in new window) 

To see how your Council Tax bill is made up, see Calculation of a Band D Charge.   For more information on valuation bands, see How is Council Tax Calculated?

Council Tax and Bands 2025-2026

Band A B C D E F G H
Band Values

Up to

£40,001 to

£52,001 to

£68,001 to

£88,001 to

£120,001 to

£160,001 to


This Year 2025/2026









Last Year 2024/2025









For further information please contact the Council Tax office on Tel: 01329 824651, or e-mail

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