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Who to contact if you want to appeal

You should appeal to the Council if you think that:

You should appeal directly to the Listing Officer (Valuation Agency) External Hyperlink (opens in new window) if you object to:

You should appeal to the Council if you have been served with a completion notice and you dispute the completion date. If no agreement is made between the Council and yourself regarding the completion date, you should appeal directly to the Valuation Tribunal within 4 weeks of the date the completion notice was initiated.

You must still pay your Council Tax while you are appealing. If the result of the appeal means that you owe us less money, we will refund any amount that you have overpaid.

How to appeal to the Council

If you want to appeal against a decision made by us, you must write to us giving full details of why you are appealing. We may contact you for further information.

We must look into your appeal and respond to you with a decision within two months of your appeal.

If after two months:

you have a further two months where you may appeal to the Valuation Tribunal.

How to appeal to the Listing Officer (Valuation Agency)

If you do not agree with the valuation, Band or other matters relating to your property's inclusion in the valuation list, you should make a "proposal to alter the valuation list".

Proposal forms can be obtained directly from the Listing Officer at the Valuation Agency. More information can be obtained by looking at the Agency's website at External Hyperlink (opens in new window) 

Please note that the Listing Officer may refuse a proposal under certain circumstances.

You must still pay your Council Tax while you are appealing. If the result of the appeal means that you owe us less money, we will refund any amount that you have overpaid.

How to appeal to the Valuation Tribunal

If you want to appeal to the Valuation Tribunal's website at, External Hyperlink (opens in new window)

The Tribunal will ask you to appeal in writing, stating which decision you disagree with and why.

They will contact you to arrange a hearing and will send you a leaflet explaining what to expect.

Hearings may last up to a day.

You do not have to pay anything unless you choose to employ a solicitor or other professional to assist you with your case.

Contact Details

For further information please contact the Council Tax office on Tel: 01329 824651, or e-mail

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