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Fixed penalty notices

Here you can find answers to frequently asked questions about fixed penalty notices for littering and dog fouling.

What is a fixed penalty notice (FPN)?

A fixed penalty notice is an on the spot notice. For dropping litter, it is £80.00 and that includes cigarette ends, wrappers, food and chewing gum. If you fail to pay, it can lead to further sanctions, including fines of up to £2,500 for each offence.

How to pay a fixed penalty notice (FPN)


Visit the pay for it page and choose the type of Environmental Fixed Penalty Notice (Litter or Dog Fouling).

You will need your FPN number from the ticket you were issued.


Credit/Debit card payments may be made by calling 01329 236100. Have your card and FPN number ready. Opening times are Monday-Friday 08:45 to 16:00.

In Person

At the cashiers office, Civic Offices, Civic way, Fareham, Hants, PO16 7AZ. Opening times are Monday-Friday 08:45 to 16:00.

By Post

Cheques or postal orders, made payable to "Fareham Borough Council" sent to the address above. Please write your name, address and FPN number on the rear to ensure that it is processed correctly.

Who can get fined?

Anyone aged over 16 years or a younger persistent offender.

Why we are doing this

We want to achieve a litter free Borough. We want to encourage residents and visitors to help us keep a clean environment and to think twice before dropping litter.

Where can people get fined?

In any public place, including recreation areas, roads, pavements, land belonging to hospitals, schools, colleges, car parks, almost anywhere in fact! We pay particular attention to areas that have been litter 'hotspots' in the past, such as routes to and from secondary schools and outside shops.

Do offenders have to pay the fine on the spot?

No, we will take their name and address and they will be handed a notice. They will then have 14 days to pay.

What happens if they refuse to pay the fine?

We will start court action, which can lead to a fine of up to £2,500.

Why do this now when litter has been a problem for years?

Legislation is now in place to give us the authority to prosecute people for dropping litter. The costs of providing a street cleansing service are rising all the time so we must use every means at our disposal to keep the Borough clean for everyone's benefit.

Is Fareham the only Council to fine people?

No. Not all local authorities enforce litter legislation but some other local authorities have Accredited Community Officers or Enforcement Officers who do.

What is the legislation?

The Environmental Protection Act 1990, the Highways Act 1980 and the Refuse Disposal (Amenity) Act 1978. Penalties may be imposed by us or by the local magistrates' or crown court. They range from a fixed penalty notice to a fine of up to £1,000 for non-payment of the fixed penalty.

What happens to the money collected from fines?

We use this to help meet the cost of our enforcement team.

What happens if there isn't a litter bin nearby?

There should be a litter bin within walking distance of most litter hotspots. If there is not, please let us know. If there isn't a litter bin handy, please be a responsible citizen and take your litter home with you.

Wouldn't education be better than prosecution?

These litter enforcement fines are only a part of the measures we are taking to help keep the Borough clean. We do whatever we can to get the message across to people, including attending Neighbourhood Watch meetings, going on school visits and taking part in Junior Citizen events. We also display signs around the Borough to let people know about their responsibilities and potential penalties they face.


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