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Fareham Start-Up Launchpad

This one-year programme of support offered Fareham-based, start-up businesses a series of business skills workshops, mentoring and individualised work plans to help get them up and running. Fareham Borough Council commissioned and funded the project which was co-ordinated by Solent Partners External Hyperlink (opens in new window) and delivered by Beverley Poole of Aspire for Business Academy External Hyperlink (opens in new window). The programme ran from May 2023 to May 2024 and you can find out more about the entrepreneurs that successfully completed it below:

Intelligent Sales Solutions (John Tunstall)

Muscle and Movement (Tracey Marsh)

Nu2Health (Helen Potter)

Select Connections (Jacqui Baker)

UK Foot Health (Caroline Babbage)

Ultimate Toolbox (Joseph Krespin and Richard Sink)



Intelligent Sales Solutions logo

Intelligent Sales Solutions (John Tunstall)

John Tunstall is a highly experienced Senior Sales Leader with an enviable track record of winning significant business and developing profitable sales channels, both in the UK and internationally. John is a trained and qualified Electronics Engineer and is well versed in applying engineering principles to complex sales problems - leading to significant sales growth, record level orders and turning around complex, but failing, product sets to become the industry standard.

As a sales thought leader, John has been instrumental in creating innovative sales solutions to apply in the 21st Century and now delivers those solutions through speaking, training and mentoring to both Corporate and SME entities. John is a Fellow of the Institute of Sales Professionals (ISP) and is an ISP Endorsed Training Provider.

Tel: 07795 123 676


Linked In: John Tunstall External Hyperlink (opens in new window)



Muscle and Movement logo

Muscle and Movement (Tracey Marsh)

Tracey Marsh is the owner of Muscle and Movement, a soft tissue therapy and sports massage business based in Fareham. Muscle and Movement elegantly combines Tracey's love of science, education and sport in to one, effective business. After ten years in medical research, 25 years in primary education leadership, and with a keen interest in sport and well-being, Tracey retrained as a Soft Tissue Therapist, gaining her Level 5 Diploma with the London School of Sports Massage. It is important to Tracey that she keeps up-to-date with evidenced-informed practice and she has recently completed a course specialising in relieving shoulder pain. Tracey is also an active member of the Sports Therapy Association (STA).

Tracey offers a personalised, client-centred approach to help you move well and feel better. As well as seeing clients in her home-based treatment room she also works one day a week in a chiropractic clinic and support runners with pre- and post-race massage at running events. Tracey has experience of working with range of people but specifically with runners, people over 40 who want to remain active, horse riders, those with sports injuries and those with general aches and pains. When working with clients - young or old, sporting or more sedentary - she uses hands-on soft tissue therapy and sports massage alongside exercise to improve movement to enable you to live life to the full. Tracey enjoys walking, running and dog agility and when not working, you will find her walking her dog on the beach or in a nearby forest!

Tel: 07905 462 603


Linked In: Tracey Marsh External Hyperlink (opens in new window)

Facebook: Muscle and Movement External Hyperlink (opens in new window)



Nu2Health logo

Nu2Health (Helen Potter)

Helen Potter is the founder and owner of Nu2Health. Helen's business is nutrition and lifestyle coaching and she offers a holistic approach for midlife weight loss, guiding you to prioritise all aspects of your life for optimal nourishment, peak performance and enduring strength. Helen is registered and qualified in nutrition and coaching with Precision Nutrition who are the largest and most respected private nutrition company in the world. It's a deep health, whole person approach, which focuses on people's emotional, physical and mental well-being.  

Helen passionately believes that being the right coach is just as important as knowing the nutrition. In her programme, you work together to develop new habits that work for you and your lifestyle, which lead you to achieve the results you desire. You will lose weight, keep strong, feel great and be able to sustain it long term.

Tel: 07731 104 840

Web: Nu2Health External Hyperlink (opens in new window)


Linked In: Helen Potter External Hyperlink (opens in new window)

Facebook: Nu2Health External Hyperlink (opens in new window)



Select Connections logo

Select Connections (Jacqui Baker)

A specialist dating agency offering an exclusive introduction service for mature singles in their 50s, 60s and 70s. Coming out of a long-term relationship can leave us struggling to imagine what it would be like to be loved again and online dating services and dating apps aren't for everyone.  They can be time consuming and unpredictable and, in spite of what the old saying would have us believe, a picture doesn't always paint a thousand words! Our service is a world away from online dating.

At Select Connections, you receive a highly confidential, personal introduction service for those serious about finding a new partner. With our easy process and 1-1 guidance, we can help guide you every step of the way.

Tel: 07368 912 304

Web: Select-connections External Hyperlink (opens in new window)


Linked In: Jacqui Baker External Hyperlink (opens in new window)

Facebook: Select-connections External Hyperlink (opens in new window)



UK Foot Health logo

UK Foot Health (Caroline Babbage)

Your go-to destination for comprehensive foot care services. Founded by qualified foot health professional Caroline Babbage, our business is dedicated to promoting healthy feet and overall well-being. Caroline brings expertise and offers compassion when addressing common foot issues and provides preventive care for a number of common foot conditions including corns, callus', verrucas, ingrown nails, fungal infections.

Founded in 2023, UK Foot Health is committed to delivering the highest standards of personalised care. Visit us at the expo to discover how we can help you and your loved ones put their feet first. 

Tel: 07718 919 591


Linked In: Caroline Babbage External Hyperlink (opens in new window)

Facebook: UK Foot Health External Hyperlink (opens in new window)



Ultimate Toolbox logo

Ultimate Toolbox (Joseph Krespin and Richard Sink)

Ultimate International Solutions Ltd (UIS) is a UK registered company headquartered in the UK by Joseph Krespin (CEO) and Richard Sink (CTO). The company is the official inventor, patent holder, developer, producer and distributor of the Ultimate Toolbox ©. Dedicated to innovation, with a focus on continuous improvement, UIS strives to exceed customer expectations while pioneering sustainable manufacturing practices. Customers needs are addressed in the highest attention to guarantee they are fulfilled in full. 

The Ultimate Toolbox © was designed and engineered in Britain, paying special attention to quality, to ensure complete customer satisfaction. The design is a unique solution to a common problem of accessing work tools and working efficiently in tight garage spaces, while having quick tool access as well as maneuvering the tools around the workspace and securing them at the end of the job. Tailored for enthusiasts, The Ultimate Toolbox © is the perfect product for a motorcycles, classic cars, or DIY repair projects. The tool cart is the ideal companion for any garage, man cave, motorcycle workshop, or boating adventures.

Each Ultimate Toolbox  is made to order from a new, full size, custom-made oil drum. The highest specification components are integrated with choice of highly durable steel reinforced structure and widespread use of stainless steel. The product can be tailored to any specific branding as required by the customer. The company is committed to reducing the environmental impact of its  products by adopting the most efficient production processes possible. Products are 'built to last' and therefore preserve the energy used to produce them. To further limit the emissions and reduce the carbon footprint , the company have teamed with "One Tree Planted" who will plant a tree for every Ultimate Toolbox © purchased, to help combat climate change. 

The product is intended for use at the home garage, commercial garages and workshop / factory environments.  The product is patented (pending) and has a UK and European design registrations certificate. UIS is supported by the Solent LEP and Fareham Borough Council as part of the Fareham Start Up Launchpad and currently is entering production while searching for an investment. 

Tel: 07949 080 188

Web: Ultimate-toolbox External Hyperlink (opens in new window)


Linked In: Joseph Krespin External Hyperlink (opens in new window)

Facebook: Ultimate-toolbox External Hyperlink (opens in new window)



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