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Equality Objectives


The Equality Act 2010 introduced a new Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED).

The general duty requires public bodies to pay due regard, in the exercise of their functions, to the following three aims:

The PSED is supported by a set of specific duties which are intended to help public bodies to carry out the above aims in a way that is tangible, transparent and accountable.  One of these is to prepare and publish at least one equality objective.

Fareham's equality objectives 2022-26

In November 2022, The Council's Executive Committee adopted the following set of equality objectives up to 2026:

  1. Improve our understanding of Fareham's community, enabling the Council to meaningfully engage in decision making.
    1. Use census 2021 data and other statistical sources to better understand our customers
    2. Record protected characteristics as part of consultation and engagement proportionally where appropriate
    3. Ensure our communications, engagement and consultation is accessible to all residents


  1. Celebrate diversity and promote inclusion across our community, ensuring Fareham Borough Council services are accessible to all members of our community.
    1. Promote and celebrate the cultures within our community and voluntary sector
    2. Work with partnership agencies to promote access to advice and services
    3. Promote the availability of inclusive services across the Borough


  1. Embed an inclusive mindset across Fareham Borough Council.
    1. Review and update equalities training material and plans for our staff
    2. Outline our approach to equality as part of induction package for both new staff and Members
    3. Provide training for staff, appropriate to roles and responsibilities
    4. Promote a culture of equality within the Council, nurturing diversity

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