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Celebrating Fareham at 50

Fareham Borough 1974-2024The inaugural annual meeting of Fareham Borough Council was held at 11am on Tuesday 9 April 1974, so 2024 represents our 'Golden Anniversary' as a Borough.

At that meeting, the Charter of Incorporation of the Borough was presented to the Mayor by the Lord Lieutenant of Hampshire, at that time The Right Hon The Earl of Malmesbury. The Captain of HMS Collingwood also presented the Mayor with the Civic Mace, which is used to this day for ceremonial purposes.

Since then we have had 48 Mayors of Fareham and you can find more information about them all here. There have also been seven Leaders in that time, as well as five Chief Executive Officers and 20 Honorary Aldermen.

Find out more about what we are doing to celebrate and how you can get involved here. 

Fareham milestones

Since becoming a Borough, a lot has changed. Key milestones include:

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