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Mayor FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the current Mayor?

The Mayor of Fareham for 2024/2025 is Councillor Pal Hayre and the Mayor's Consort is her husband Narinder Hayre.

What is the correct way of addressing the Mayor?

The full title of the Mayor is "The Worshipful the Mayor of Fareham".

The Mayor should be introduced as "The Mayor of Fareham" and be addressed as "Madam Mayor" or "Your Worship". The Mayor's Consort should be introduced as "the Mayor's Consort".

The Deputy Mayor should be introduced as "The Deputy Mayor of Fareham" and addressed as "Madam Deputy Mayor".

Will the Mayor attend my function or event?

The Mayor can be invited to attend appropriate functions or activities, which contribute positively to the life of the Borough. These events can range from meeting Royalty, welcoming overseas visitors to opening school fêtes and attending productions by local amateur dramatic groups. The Mayor also hosts visits to the Mayor's Parlour from local schools, twinning groups and other organisations such as Rotary, Lions and voluntary groups.

Who is the Deputy Mayor?

The Deputy Mayor is Councillor Louise Clubley and the Deputy Mayor's Consort is Mr. Jonathan Clubley.




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