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The Constitution - Part Two - Chapter 6 - Functions of the Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Committee

6.1 The general functions and areas of responsibility of the Council's Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Committee are to:

a) undertake, to the extent shown in the following pages, all of the functions listed in this Chapter of the Constitution that are Non-Executive functions under the terms of Regulation 2 and Schedule 1 of the Local Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities) Regulations, 2000 as amended by the Local Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2001.
b) exercise such other licensing and regulatory powers and non-executive functions of the Council as are delegated to the Committee from time to time
c) delegate to any sub-committee it may appoint any of its powers or functions, subject to any limitation that the Committee may consider appropriate;
d) delegate any of its powers to an officer or officers of the Council, subject to any limitation that the Committee may consider appropriate, in relation to:

  1. the imposition of any condition, limitation or other restriction on an approval, consent, licence, permission or registration granted
  2. the determination of any other terms to which any such approval, consent, licence, permission or registration is subject
  3. the determination as to whether to take enforcement action in consequence of:
  4. a breach of any approval, consent, licence, permission or registration granted
  5. a breach of any condition, limitation or term to which such approval, consent, licence, permission or registration is subject
  6. the amendment, modification or variation of any approval, consent, licence, permission or registration
  7. the revocation of any such approval, consent, licence or registration.

e) grant powers of entry in respect of any of the powers listed in this Chapter of the Constitution to an officer or officers of the Council.
f) respond to consultations from the Executive on the preparation of statutory plans, policy and strategy and, where appropriate, to make commendations on them to the full Council.
g) advise the Council on all matters, and resources required to undertake the functions listed in this Chapter of the Constitution. To make recommendations to the full Council on estimates of income, fees and Fareham Borough Council Constitution charges, expenditure and the budget required by the Committee to undertake its functions.


6.2      The Committee will also undertake the following specific functions:

Licensing and Registration functions

Note: for functions first delegated to the Committee after May 2002 (such as the provisions of The Licensing Act 2003) see supplementary notes at end of table.

Functions relating to health and safety at work

Functions relating to elections

Functions relating to name and status of areas and individuals

Functions relating to bylaws, local bills etc.

Functions relating to pensions etc.

Miscellaneous Provisions

6.3 The extent of onward delegations of licensing functions from the Committee to the Licensing Panel is set out in the annex to this chapter.

6.4 The extent of any onward delegations of licensing or regulatory functions from the Committee to officers is set out in Part 4 of the Constitution.


Last Updated - March 2018



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