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The Constitution - Part One: Chapter 16 – Code of Conduct - Appendix 6 - Role of Chairman of Scrutiny Panels

Main Role

A-6.1     To lead on:

a) scrutinising the activities and performance of the Executive, Executive Members and Officers,

b) focussing work contributing to the Corporate Priorities of the Council;

c) policy development review,

within the jurisdiction of that Panel.

General Duties and Responsibilities

A-6.2     To chair the Scrutiny Panel.

A-6.3     To co-ordinate the activities of the Scrutiny Panel and take a lead role in overview and scrutiny.

A-6.4     To lead on matters referred to, or selected by the Scrutiny Panel and, to:

a) determine the overall way the work will be undertaken;

b) arrange the provision of preliminary background information and commission appropriate research; and

c) determine whether evidence is to be given orally or in writing to the Scrutiny Panel;


A-6.5     To lead reviews on policy decisions taken by the Executive, Executive Members or Officers and by:

a) determining the extent of the review to be undertaken;

b) commissioning appropriate research;

c) providing a list of the issues to be discussed or requests for detailed statistical and other information to the Executive, Executive Members or Officers, prior to any meeting of the Scrutiny Panel;

d) determining and selecting consultants (where appropriate) for particular areas of research.


A-6.6     To lead and direct reviews of the Council's involvement in, and support of, outside organisations that fall within the Panels relevant Executive Portfolio.


A-6.7     To take the lead on ensuring that training requirements of the Scrutiny Panel members are properly considered and that appropriate training programmes or seminars are arranged.


A-6.8     To encourage Scrutiny Panel members to deal with all issues placed before them in an unbiased manner.


A-6.9     Where members have received advice or directions from their group leader or political group as to the views that member should express on a particular issue, to ensure that those members disclose such facts at the meeting at which the matter is being discussed.


A-6.10 To encourage members to declare all personal and pecuniary interests in any matters placed before the Scrutiny Panel.

Urgent Decisions

A-6.11 Where a request for an urgent decision to the Executive is proposed, the agreement of the relevant Scrutiny Panel Chairman will be sought to determine if the decision can be submitted to the Executive as urgent.

Call-in Duties and Responsibilities

A-6.12   In addition to the above the Chairman will be required to lead investigations into decisions made by the Executive, Executive Member or Officer, when that decision is called-in, under the Council's Call-In Procedure (Part Three, Chapter 10 of this Constitution) and, to:

a) determine the extent of the investigation to be undertaken;

b) arrange the selection of witnesses appearing before the Scrutiny Panel;

c) co-ordinating the preparation of any lists of questions to be asked during the investigation;

d) determining the selection of witnesses and whether evidence is to be given orally or in writing;

e) on completion of the investigation, a report on the outcome of the investigation is prepared and submitted to the Executive; and

f) ensure that investigations are completed within the approved timetable.

Vice Chairman

A-6.13 Where the Chairman of the Scrutiny Panel is unavailable for any reason, the Vice Chairman shall undertake the role of Chairman.


Last Updated - October 2018



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