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The Constitution - Part One - Chapter 13 - Legal, Financial and Contract Matters


13.1  The Standing Orders with respect to Meetings in Part Four of this Constitution will apply to all meetings of the Council, the Executive, Panels, ordinary committees, sub-committees and other formal meetings of members.

Financial Matters

13.2  The Council's financial affairs will be conducted in accordance with the Financial Regulations set out in Part 4 of this Constitution. These Regulations may be amended from time to time in accordance with the provisions that are contained within them.


13.3  All contracts made by or on behalf of the Council will comply with the provisions of the Standing Orders with respect to Contracts set out in Part 4 of this Constitution. These Standing Orders may be amended from time to time in accordance with the provisions that are contained within them

Officer Employment Procedures

13.4  The Standing Orders with respect to the Appointment, Dismissal and Discipline of Employees set out in Part 4 of this Constitution will apply to all employee appointments made by the Council.

Legal proceedings

13.5  The Solicitor to the Council is authorised to commence, defend, or participate in any legal proceedings in any case to give effect to decisions of the Council, or in any case where the Solicitor to the Council considers that to do so is necessary in order to protect the Council's interests.

Authenticating documents

13.6  Where any document is necessary to any legal procedure or proceedings on behalf of the Council, that document will be signed by the Solicitor to the Council or by any other person authorised by the Solicitor to the Council, unless any enactment states otherwise or the Council has given the necessary authority to some other person.

Common Seal of the Council

13.7  The Common Seal of the Council must be kept by the Solicitor to the Council and the Monitoring Officer in a safe place. A decision made by the Council, the Executive, a committee, sub-committee or officer acting under delegated powers will be sufficient authority for sealing any document necessary to give effect to the decision.
13.8  The affixing of the seal must be attested by one of the following persons present at the sealing: The Chief Executive Officer; the Solicitor to the Council; the Director of Finance and Resources; the Monitoring Officer. An entry of every sealing of a document must be made and consecutively numbered in a book kept for the purpose and must be signed by the person who has attested the seal.



Last Reviewed - March 2018



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