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Winners of the Citizen and Young Citizen of Honour Awards 2022

Citizen of Honour winner (18+)

Mike Homer

Mike works tirelessly as a volunteer for the Royal British Legion Fareham and has done so for many years.  The pandemic hit the coffers of the Fareham British legion so on 1st July 2021 Mike Homer left Fareham to meet 100 Royal British Legion Representatives within 100 hours by train.  This was a huge challenge for Mike as he is 82 and in a wheelchair.  As the Royal British Legion were celebrating their centenary it was very important to Mike to raise some money to help with what was lost in November.  He raised £4,200. 

Photo of Mike Homer receiving his award

Young Citizen of Honour winner (under 18)

Grace Flatman 

Grace is an incredible young lady who suffers from a rare form of epilepsy. Grace was diagnosed at the age of 5 and, since then, has taken on fundraising missions of her own choosing to raise money for Young Epilepsy charity. Grace has raised around £7,000 for the charity since she was diagnosed, and her latest mission was to walk over 20 miles between Southampton General Hospital and QA Hospital, which are the two hospitals who treat her. This was in September 2021, and she raised £2,500. Despite suffering herself, Grace always says that she wants to 'help other children who suffer from epilepsy', and she is already thinking of her next mission. 

Photo of Grace Flatman receiving her award

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