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Protocol for dealing with variations to planning permissions


On 1 October 2009, the Government introduced regulations for approval to minor (non-material) amendments to planning permissions.  See this form and advice below for making your application. Pending more Government advice, we will continue to handle these applications in the same way as before using the following criteria.

Criteria for assessing minor amendments

The key tests for accepting a change to an approved scheme under the minor amendment procedure are:

If none of these tests are positive, a proposal is likely to be dealt with as a 'minor amendment', though each request will be considered on its merit. To provide a legal basis for such minor amendments in the future, Counsel opinion is that this condition is added future planning permissions: "The development hereby permitted shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the drawings [x y z] subject to such minor amendments to the detailed design of the development as may be approved in writing under this condition by the Local Planning Authority."'

Material changes that cannot be dealt with as minor amendments

These material changes cannot be dealt with as minor amendments and you must submit a new planning application. Here are some examples:

This list is not comprehensive and each 'minor amendment' request will be considered on its merit.


You must apply on the new minor amendment 1App form External Hyperlink which you can also print. This must be accompanied by a schedule and plan detailing proposed amendments. You can see guidance notes External Hyperlink and get help completing the form  External Hyperlink.


Contact us on, visit the Civic Offices or write us at The Civic Offices, Civic Way, Fareham PO16 7AZ.

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