Fareham Borough Council has produced a draft updated Character Appraisal and Management Strategy for Wallington Conservation Area and would like you to comment on it. The closing date is Monday 4 March. We are really interested to hear the following:


About you

Q5 Please tell us why you are interested in the Wallington Conservation Area?

Fareham Borough Council - Equality Monitoring

Fareham Borough Council is committed to providing people with equal opportunities and eliminate unfair discrimination, both in the provision of service and in our role as a major employer. We want to collect information about people so that we can tailor our services to meet their needs and also make sure that we are not doing anything that stops people from having access to services, jobs or opportunities, and will change our policies and practices if that is what we need to do.

We would be grateful if you would help us by completing the monitoring information on this form. Any personal information you give us is held securely and will be used only for council purposes in accordance with our data protection policy.  If you are still unsure, the "why should I answer these questions" leaflet on the Have your Say page at www.fareham.gov.uk may help.

Q7 Your age
Q8 Your gender

You can make a difference - join our E-Panel

If you enjoyed telling the Council what you think then you might be interested in joining the Council's e-panel. If you are a resident of Fareham you can answer questions on a range of topics relevant to you and your local area. All you need to do to sign up is provide your email address and postcode (so that we can confirm you are a resident of Fareham).


Thank you for telling us what you think.  If you are online please click submit to complete the survey. You will then be redirected to www.fareham.gov.uk/consultations.

If you are completing a paper survey please return it to:  
Conservation Officer, Fareham Borough Council, Civic Offices, Civic Way, Fareham, PO16 7AZ.

The closing date for comments is Monday 4 March.

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