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A Diverse Workforce

The Council aims to have a diverse workforce because we believe that our employees can be most effective when they reflect, and identify with, the people in Fareham, who use our services.

Fareham Borough Council workforce profile

The graphs below provide an overview of the Council's workforce as of 1 June 2021 based upon the eight protected characteristics.

Age Profile

Age profile, 20 to 29 40, 30 to 39 62, 40 to 49 116, 50 to 59 140, 60+ 66

Religion or Belief

Belief, Christian 86, No Religion 80, Not declared 209, Prefer not to say 37, 6 other, 3 Roman Catholic, 1 Jewish, 1 Sikh


Ethnicity, White British 267, Not Declared 143, White other 5, Prefer not to say 4, Asian Pakistani 1, Mixed Race 2, White Irish 1, Asian Indian 1,


Disability, No 333, Not known 71, Disabiled 16, Prefer not to say 4

Gender by Contract Type

Gender by contract type, Permanent full-time Female 108 Male 215, Permanent part-time Female 83 Male 7, Temporary full-time Female 5 Male 3, Temporary part-time Female 1 Male 2


Gender by Grade

Job grade by gender, Apprentice 1 Male, Grade 1 4 Female and 11 Male, Grade 2 46 Male, Grade2/3 1 Female Grade 2/4 1 Male Grade 3 27 Female and 25 Male, Grade 3/4 9 Female 3 Male Grade 4 33 Female and 25 Male, Grade 4/5 13 Female 10 Male Grade 4/6 7 Female Grade 4/9 1 Female Grade 5 26 Female and 15 Male, Grade 5/6 3 Female 9 Male Grade 5/7 1 Male Grade 5/8 1 Male Grade 6 18 Female and 16 Male, Grade 6/7 1 Female Grade 6/8 1 Female 2 Male Grade 7 9 Female and 9 Male, Grade 7/8 2 Female Grade 8 21 Female and 14 Male, Grade 9 9 Female and 10 Male, Grade 10 10 Male, Grade 11 1 Female and 7 Male, Director 2 Female and 2 Male, Senior Management 6 Female and 5 Male, Chief Executive 1 Male

Sexual Orientation

Sexual orientation, Heterosexual 189, Not known 198, Prefer not to say 33, Gay Man 2, Information refused 1, Lesbian or Gay Woman 1

Other Information

The Council does not currently have any employees who identify as undergoing or having undergone gender reassignment.

The Council works to maintain a robust approach to equality and diversity issues which supports us in complying with the Equality Act 2010. The Act requires public bodies to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations between different people when carrying out their activities.

As a public sector body, the Council has a duty to comply with the specific Public Sector Equality Duty that requires the publication of relevant and proportionate information to demonstrate how we are responding to the Equality Duty.

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