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The Constitution - Part Two: Chapter 3 - Functions of the Scrutiny Panels

3.1         The statutory overview and scrutiny functions of the Council will be undertaken by six Scrutiny Panels.

3.2         Each Scrutiny Panel will:

a) maintain an overview of the discharge of the Council's executive functions;

b) exercise the right to call-in, for reconsideration, any decisions made but not yet implemented by the Executive or by individual Executive Members and any key decisions made but not yet implemented by officers in exercise of their delegated powers;

c) scrutinise any decisions made or actions taken in connection with the performance of any of the Council's functions.

d) scrutinise any matter affecting the strategic plans and financial affairs of the Council.

e) scrutinise the performance of services provided directly or indirectly by the Council

f) consider matters affecting the area or local people and, in so doing, review and scrutinise the performance of other public bodies in the area, as agreed via scoping reports

g) undertake such scrutiny as may be directed by Council from time to time.

3.3         In addition, the Policy and Resources Scrutiny Panel will prepare, within the approved budget, an annual programme of scrutiny reviews for submission to the Council. The Policy and Resources Scrutiny Panel will also make recommendations to the Executive and to the Council on estimates of expenditure and the budget required to undertake its functions and make reports or recommendations in respect of any other matters which affect the Council's area or its residents.

3.4         In carrying out its functions, the Scrutiny Panels will:

a) scrutinise how and to what effect Council policy and strategy is being implemented by the Executive, Executive members and officers and make reports and recommendations as appropriate;

b) scrutinise performance, including financial performance against annual budgets and the capital programme, and make such reports and recommendations as considered appropriate;

c) scrutinise policy formulation and make such reports and recommendations as considered appropriate;

d) scrutinise decisions or actions taken in respect of any functions which are not the responsibility of the Executive (with the exception of individual applications or like matters relating to development management, licensing and other regulatory functions) and make reports and recommendations, as appropriate;

e) scrutinise services provided by other agencies and which affect the economic, social and environmental well-being of the Council's area and its residents;

f) review the Council's involvement in, and support to, outside organisations;

g) receive deputations from any individual or relevant interest groups in respect of any matter on which the Council has the powers to act;

h) review corporate priorities and the Improvement Actions identified in the Council's Corporate Vision;

i) scrutinise the work of Member Working Groups and consider policy amendments or developments being proposed by those Member Working Groups before being considered by the Executive.

3.5         In undertaking the above functions a Scrutiny Panel shall submit its reports and recommendations to the Council, the Executive or Executive members as appropriate.


Last Updated - October 2018



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