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The Constitution - Part One - Chapter 16 – Code of Conduct - Appendix 5 - Role of an Executive Member

Main role

A-5.1  To take collective responsibility for those issues determined by the Executive under its Terms of Reference and Scheme of Delegation.
A-5.2  To take decisions where power to do so is delegated by the Executive

General responsibilities

A-5.3  To act as spokesman and principal political adviser for the services included within the area of responsibility for which the Executive Member has been appointed.
A-5.4  Within any constraints imposed by legislation, approved Council policy and budgets and the Council's Scheme of Delegation, to be responsible for: -

a) maintaining an understanding of the issues involved in the delivery of services
b) being aware of developing issues and policies at local and national levels
c) giving direction on, and ensuring the development of the vision for services, strategies and policies consistent with the overall strategic approach of the Council
d) promoting and improving the economic, social and environmental well-being of the Borough
e) balancing the social, environmental and economic components of sustainability in the development of services and their delivery
f) with regard to the preparation, amendment and revision of any statutory or non-statutory strategic, technical or service plans:

g) defining the standards of service, targets and budgets to include: -

h) with regard to Best Value, to ensure that: -

i) ensuring the optimum use of resources and skills by recognising the benefits of formal and informal partnership working.
j) working in partnership with relevant external organisations to encourage and facilitate the development of Community Planning arrangements throughout the Borough
k) co-operating with the Scrutiny Panels in any reviews undertaken by those Panels.
l) ensuring that prior to decisions being taken which affect a particular ward, the relevant ward members have been consulted.
m) promoting the core values of the Council as set out in corporate plans.
n) approving responses to consultation papers issued by the Government and outside organisations
o) speaking on behalf of the Council
p) representing the Council, or identifying or appointing in accordance with this Constitution other members to do so, on relevant external bodies.
q) considering and developing proposals for the effective use of land and property.
r) facilitating and encouraging public participation and consultation and ensuring the effective communication of the Council's policies and strategies to all members, employees, residents, partner organisations and other interested parties
s) receiving representations from councillors acting in their capacity as ward members in relation to the provision of services to residents in their areas, as the Council's representative on outside bodies or as councillors with a specific interest in any topic.
t) seeking appropriate officer advice when making decisions under delegated powers
u) attending, and taking part in, such training sessions/courses as may be determined by the Council or the Executive Leader.
v) complying with the provisions of The Members Code of Conduct (Part 4 of this Constitution) and, in particular, any provisions relating to the declaration of interests.



Last Updated - October 2018



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