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Titchfield Conservation Area - Article 4 Direction

Titchfield Conservation Area is one of 13 areas in the Borough that the Council considers to be of special architectural or historic interest. There is an adopted character appraisal and management strategy for Titchfield Conservation Area that sets out how the Council will protect its character and appearance; it recommends the use of an Article 4 Direction which affects permitted development rights.

On the 17th May 2017 the Council made an Article 4 Direction relating to Titchfield Conservation Area. After public consultation and the consideration of comments the Council has decided to confirm the Direction which will come into force on 18th September 2017.

What are Permitted Development Rights and what is an Article 4 Direction?

Permitted development rights allow some alterations to buildings without needing a planning application. The council has no control over these alterations which can sometimes be harmful to the character and appearance of a conservation area.

The confirmed Article 4 Direction requires a planning application to be made to the Council for some alterations that are permitted development. An example would be fitting solar panels. A planning application allows any impact on the character and appearance of the Conservation Area to be considered. At the time of an application a decision will be made about whether an alteration should go ahead, neighbours are notified and plans can be amended if required. 

How does the Article 4 Direction affect a property?

After 18th September 2017 planning permission will be required for some or all of the following alterations to specified properties where they are visible from a highway or open space.

The permitted development rights removed and the properties affected are set out in the article 4 direction PDF (230 KB).

How can I find out more?

The article 4 direction can be viewed on the council's website at article 4 direction PDF (230 KB) or by visiting Planning Reception at the Civic Offices.  If you have any queries concerning if or how the Article 4 Direction affects your property please contact the Conservation Planner at Fareham Borough Council on 01329 824380.

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