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Press Release

26 November 2018

Have your say on the future of Titchfield 

Residents in Titchfield are being asked to have their say on the future of the village in a new consultation.

Villagers came together to form the group the Titchfield Neighbourhood Forum (TNF) and drew up the Draft (Regulation 16) Titchfield Neighbourhood Plan to set out their vision for Titchfield.

Titchfield is the first area in the Borough to draw up a plan in this way and it contains planning policies to guide the development and use of land in Titchfield.

Government regulations state that Neighbourhood Forums should submit a Neighbourhood Plan to their Local Planning Authority – in this case Fareham Borough Council - which has now put the plan out to consultation on behalf of the Neighbourhood Forum.

The Draft Plan and consultation details can be found at and responses will be accepted until 11 January 2019.

Paper copies of the Draft Neighbourhood Plan and representation forms can be obtained from:

Executive Member for Planning and Development, Cllr Keith Evans said: "We want the people of Titchfield to let us know what they think of the plan by taking part in the consultation so please do go online or to one of the venues and let us know your views."

Once the consultation has closed, the Council will submit the neighbourhood plan, supporting documents and associated comments and representations to an independent examiner, who will determine if the plan meets the basic conditions.


For further information contact:

The Communications Team, Tel: 01329 824310



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