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Press Release

9 July 2018 

Judges to visit Fareham In Bloom 

Judges from South and South East in Bloom will visit Fareham on 11 July to look at this year's colourful entry.

The judges, Peter Holman and John Tweddle, will tour around some of the Council's community parks and gardens and schools and residents' gardens across the Borough.

They will also meet with Fareham Borough councillors, sponsors as well as individuals and volunteers who support Fareham in Bloom on the day. The results will be announced in September.

Executive member for Streetscene, Councillor Simon Martin, said: "Fareham looks amazing and everyone has really got into the spirit of Fareham in Bloom. We are looking forward to welcoming the judges to our town."


For further information contact:

The Communications Team, Tel: 01329 824310



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