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Press Release

21 February 2018

Council approves changes to how school facilities are funded

Fareham Borough Council has approved changes to its Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Regulation 123 List, at a special meeting of the Executive. 

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a planning charge on many types of new development used to fund infrastructure within the Borough. We are required to publish a list (known as a 'Regulation 123 List') which sets out what local infrastructure we intend to fund, or may fund, through the levy.

Councillors agreed that contributions to education facilities should be removed from our Regulation 123 list. This means we will be able to seek separate financial contributions from developers for education facilities through legal agreements.

Cllr Seán Woodward, Leader of Fareham Borough Council, said: "This change is good news for residents, now and for generations to come. There is currently a wide range of infrastructure demands within the Borough, all competing for part of the CIL levy collected by the Council. This change means that in some areas of the Borough, dedicated funding will be secured from developers towards improvements or expansions of schools required to accommodate additional school children. This will help to ease the pressure on our schools in areas where there is increased demand due to new housing."

The decision follows a consultation about changes to our CIL with residents and other interested parties such as developers.


For further information contact:

The Communications Team, Tel: 01329 824310



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