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Press Release

30 November 2018 

Everyone and their dog invited to the beach 

Council officers will be talking to dog walkers as they exercise their pets to get the views of residents on new plans to promote responsible dog ownership.

Fareham Borough Council is proposing a set of new measures for dog owners and want people to have their say on the 'Taking the lead' consultation plans.

An exhibition will display the plans on Thursday 6 December at Hill Head Sailing Club in Cliff Road, Fareham, from 8am to 9.30am and weather permitting, officers will also be speaking with dog owners on Hill Head beach.

The new plans for the Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) would renew and extend existing Council's powers for a period of three years up to 2019 to:

Officers will be at the sailing club to answer any questions about the proposed PSPO and questionnaires will be available for dog walkers to fill in and return in a voting box.  Unfortunately, no dogs are allowed inside the sailing club or to be tied up outside.

Residents can also comment on each of these proposals via an online survey at or hard copies can be requested by email or phone or collected at the Civic Offices. There will also be a static exhibition by Debenhams in Fareham Shopping Centre. The consultation closes on Monday 14 January 2019.

The proposed PSPO would enable Council officers to issue a fixed penalty notice (on the spot fine) to irresponsible dog owners. None of the proposed powers and restrictions would apply to people who are registered blind, or who rely on assistance dogs.

Executive Member for Health and Public Protection, Cllr Trevor Cartwright, said: "We want to hear from dog owners to get their views on our new plans to ensure dogs are kept under control in public.

"The majority of dog owners are responsible but we strive to make the Fareham Borough a place where residents can enjoy public places without dogs being a nuisance to others."


For further information contact:

The Communications Team, Tel: 01329 824310



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