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Press Release

22 October 2018 

Have your say on Bath Lane play equipment

Bath Lane play area is set to be refurbished and Fareham Borough Council is calling on residents to help choose new equipment. 

An online survey has been set up for children and parents to have a look at the options and decide which pieces of items they would like in the play area.

The current climbing frame will be removed and residents will get to choose their favourite style of climbing unit to go in its place. There is also a chance to vote for a brand-new piece of equipment which will replace the current roundabout.

Games will be painted on the floor for children to enjoy and equipment will be repainted to brighten up the play area.

Residents can cast their vote at: External Hyperlink (opens in new window)

The changes are part of a five-year improvement plan being carried out by Fareham Borough Council at play areas. To find out more have a look at: /leisure/out_and_about_in_fareham/play_areas/playareaimprovements.aspx

Executive Member of Leisure and Community, Cllr Sue Bell, said: "The new equipment will help give the play area the uplift it needs but we want the children of the Borough to decide what they want to play with.

"Please help us out and get voting for your favourite equipment to give our children what they deserve – a fun and exciting new play area."

The consultation runs until Monday 19 November. Work on the play area is expected to take place in 2019.

To keep updated about changes to play areas please visit our Facebook and Twitter pages or visit


For further information contact:

The Communications Team, Tel: 01329 824310



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