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Press Release

23 August 2018

Council unveils air quality proposals

Fareham Borough Council has unveiled a series of measures designed to help improve the Borough's air quality.  The measures form part of a report being presented to the Executive on 3rd September when the committee will be asked to approve a public consultation so that residents of Fareham can have their say on the proposals or put forward their own ideas.

Last year 23 local authorities across the country, including Fareham, were identified as having areas likely to exceed guideline levels of nitrogen dioxide. 

One area was identified in Fareham as being 'at risk'.  It is the stretch of road from the Delme roundabout through Eastern and Western Way and onto the A27 by Fareham train station, including the A32 from Market Quay 'through-about' and onto the Portchester Road A27.  Predictions indicate a potential small exceedance level of 0.9ugm3 above the 40ugm3 limit during 2020. 

Earlier this year the Council successfully applied for funding to support the work of a new air quality working group to address the potential threat.  Part of that group's remit is to identify a series of measures to achieve the required reduction in nitrogen dioxide levels.  If approved by the Executive, the Council will seek the public's views on the measures identified and ask for any other ideas the public may have before preparing a final business case which must be submitted to the Government by the end of the year. 

Cllr Trevor Cartwright, MBE, Executive Member for Health and Public Protection said: 'The health and wellbeing of everyone living and working in Fareham is a key priority.  We have therefore undertaken a huge amount of work to come up with appropriate measures that will be effective in the shortest possible term.  I would urge everyone to have their say during the consultation so that we can be sure the final list of measures included in our business case has the full support of our residents and local businesses.'    


For further information contact:

The Communications Team, Tel: 01329 824310



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