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Press Release

23 February 2018

Council highlights strategy to help rough sleepers in Fareham

With the recent cold snap and more on the way, Fareham Borough is working hard to offer extra assistance to homeless people sleeping rough in the Borough.

The Council's Housing Options team provide free advice and support to anyone who is homeless or threatened with homelessness. Help is tailored to meet the needs and issues of each individual. Those needs can be quite complex, ranging from substance misuse issues, mental and physical health concerns to financial and employment difficulties.

The Council works closely with Two Saints hostel in Fareham and has recently provided additional funding to increase the bed space available at the hostel – a scheme referred to as Extended Winter Provision. This is part of the extra help provided during periods of severe, often cold weather. In addition to a bed for the night at the hostel, homeless people are able to shower in the mornings, do their laundry and have a hot drink and toast. They are also given vouchers to have refreshments in the afternoons at Café Imbizu on West Street.

Taking someone from sleeping rough straight into a self-contained tenancy with little support has a considerable risk of failure therefore the Council and Two Saints work together to provide a staged and supportive journey towards independent, sustainable accommodation.

Cllr Trevor Cartwright, Executive Member for Health and Public Protection at Fareham Borough Council, said: "Tackling homelessness and helping those who sleep rough in the Borough is one of our key priorities. Our Housing team works hard with local partners to ensure support is provided to suit the needs of each individual. We especially want to ensure that no one is put in the position where they have to sleep rough in extreme conditions."

There are some occasions when people are offered help and accommodation that they turn down. It is simply not the case that insufficient funds or resources are exacerbating the problem. The Council has committed £364,000 for the current financial year to provide assistance for the homeless or for those threatened with homelessness. 


For further information contact:

The Communications Team, Tel: 01329 824310



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