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Press Release

27 November 2017

Tell us about your hero! 

Fareham Borough Council is asking residents to tell us about their heroes by nominating them for the Citizen and Young Citizen of Honour Awards 2018.

The Council runs the awards every year to honour and recognise residents who have made a difference to the lives of local people.

There are three age categories: 4-11 years; 12-17 years and 18+. Nominations can be for outstanding bravery, volunteering or helping others at school or college.

Executive Leader of Fareham Borough Council, Cllr Seán Woodward, said: "We're asking residents to tell us who their local hero is. This could be someone who has been caring for an individual with a debilitating condition or someone who gives unpaid voluntary service to the community. No matter what it is, we want to hear about it, so we can give local heroes the recognition they deserve."

The winners will receive invitations to:

The deadline for nominations is Wednesday 31 January 2018. The Executive Members of the Council will then decide who the winners are at their meeting in March.

Those nominated must be resident in Fareham and, if you are nominating someone, you can't be a family member.

Our Citizens of Honour 2017 winners were nominated for fundraising for Cancer Research, being the sole carer for a family member, volunteering and dealing with a serious illness.

To nominate your hero for a Citizen of Honour 2018 award, please visit



For further information contact:

The Communications Team, Tel: 01329 824310



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