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Press Release

21 November 2017

Topping Out ceremony held at Fareham Innovation Centre extension

A topping out ceremony has been held at Fareham Innovation Centre at Daedalus, to celebrate progress in its extension.

The Mayor of Fareham, Cllr Geoff Fazackarley, performed the ceremonial duty by hanging a door inside the facility.

The £7m extension will provide 3,400 square metres of new floor space, 33 new offices, five new workshops and spacious new conference facilities. This will add to the top of the range facilities and support already provided at the Innovation Centre for new businesses, especially those in the engineering, aerospace, aviation and marine industries.

Executive Leader of Fareham Borough Council, Cllr Seán Woodward, said:

"It's great to see progress is being made on the extension to the Innovation Centre, adding to the excellent facilities already on offer. When it's finished we anticipate around 300 highly skilled new job opportunities will be created, providing a boost to both Daedalus and the local economy." 

Jo Willett is the Managing Director of Oxford Innovation's Innovation Centres division, which operates the Innovation Centre and 23 others across the UK.

She said: "Fareham Innovation Centre has become a hub of excellence for marine, automotive, aerospace and engineering sectors, with a vibrant business community of 40-plus businesses using the fully-occupied 24 offices, 15 workshops and hired conference and meeting rooms.

"The new extension will further stimulate enterprise, creating inward investment, employment and strengthening local supply chains."

Work on the Innovation Centre extension is expected to be finished in Spring 2018. The project has been developed and funded by Fareham Borough Council, and supported by £2m funding from Solent Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).



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