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Press Release

11 October 2017

Council Publishes Draft Local Plan

A new Draft Local Plan was agreed at the Executive held on 9th October and will be published for consultation later this month. The plan sets out how the Council plans to tackle the growing need for new homes in the Borough over the next 20 years.

The Plan identifies sites for housing, employment space, and places where retail and leisure facilities could be provided. It also identifies areas to be protected, such as countryside, community and leisure buildings, and open spaces.

Contained within the Plan is provision for around 3,000 new homes. The sites allocated for these new properties are as follows:

Brownfield sites (sites that have already been developed)

Greenfield sites (sites that have not been previously developed)

Now that the Draft Local Plan has been agreed in principle by councillors the next step will be to seek residents' views. People will be able to have their say on the proposals in writing and at a series of Community Action Team (CAT) meetings and exhibitions.

The exhibitions will be open to all and run from 2-6pm, and the CAT meetings will run from 7-8.30pm:

An extra date for the Local Plan Consultation exhibition has been added to the calendar to allow anyone who may have missed the first round of engagement events to get involved.  This will take place on Tuesday 21 November from 3-7pm at Ferneham Hall's Octagon Room.

Councillor Seán Woodward, Leader of Fareham Borough Council, said: "This is the first time in over 20 years that we are looking to allocate greenfield land for housing, outside of that planned for Welborne. Our Draft Local Plan sets out a way we think we can meet the Borough's housing needs well into the future.  However, this is a draft document and we are asking residents to get involved and tell us what they think.  It is vital to make provision for new homes as, if we don't identify sites for them, they will be imposed upon us. We are rolling the Local Plan forward by an additional 10 years to 2036. That, taken with people's increased longevity and changes to living arrangements, means we need more land for more homes.   I would encourage residents to come along to one of our CAT meetings and exhibitions, so they can ask questions and have their say."  

* Note: Due to the venue sizes, the CAT meetings at Victory Hall in Warsash and Portchester Community School will be by ticket only so we can ensure we can accommodate all those who wish to attend. Tickets can be booked by phoning 01329 236100 or emailing Two tickets per person will be allowed. You will not need tickets for any of the exhibitions or other CAT Meetings.

In addition to the exhibitions and CAT meetings a survey will be available on the Council's website from 25 October with paper copies available on request. The Draft Local Plan will be available to view in person at the Civic Offices and libraries in Fareham and Gosport. We will also post regular reminders about our consultation on both Facebook and Twitter.


For further information contact:

The Communications Team, Tel: 01329 824310



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