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Press Release

04 September 2018

Let's Clear the Air

The Council is asking for feedback on a range of measures aimed at improving the Borough's air quality. Air quality is a national issue and in July 2017 Fareham Borough Council was identified as one of the authorities that must produce a targeted local plan to tackle likely exceedances of Nitrogen Dioxide levels. The measures in our plan include steps to:

Residents can have their say or put forward their own ideas as part of a public consultation. To take part in the consultation and to view the proposals in full visit:

Cllr Trevor Cartwright, Executive Member for Health and Public Protection at Fareham Borough Council, said: "We know how important clean air is to the health and wellbeing of everyone living and working in Fareham. We have therefore been working hard to come up with a range of measures to keep our air clean but we'd like residents and local businesses to help to shape our proposals. I would encourage people to have their say by taking part in this consultation. We believe that, by working together, we will continue to have good air quality across the Borough now and for years to come." 

The consultation runs until 8 October 2018. After that, the feedback will be analysed and we will make any necessary changes to the proposals. We will then submit a business case to the Government by the end of year, as they will fund the measures.




Editor's notes

The proposals follow a Government report last year in which 23 local authorities across the country, including Fareham, were identified as having areas likely to exceed guideline levels of nitrogen dioxide. One area was identified in Fareham as being 'at risk'; the stretch of road from the Delme roundabout through Eastern and Western Way and onto the A27 by Fareham train station and includes the A32 from Market Quay 'through-about' and onto the Portchester Road A27. 

The measures will be will be funded by JAQU (Joint Air Quality Unit), a unit derived from Department for Transport and Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).


For further information contact:

The Communications Team, Tel: 01329 824310



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