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Local Plan Consultation - 2021 CAT (Community Action Team) Meetings and Exhibition Events

As well as in person events the Council have also launched a virtual exhibition on our website. It contains information about the Revised Publication Local Plan, how to get involved and details on how to speak to a Planning Officer over the phone. Click here to visit the virtual exhibition

The Council will be running a series of public meetings and exhibitions across the Borough about its Revised Publication Local Plan.

The exhibitions will run from 3 - 5:30pm and each one will be followed later that day by a Community Action Team (CAT) meeting from 6 - 7:30pm. At these meetings, residents will be able to watch a presentation and ask questions about the Plan.

Do I have to book a space at these events in advance?

Following the Government's announcement on Monday there is now no need to book in advance to attend an exhibition.  Our approach on the day will be to manage numbers to ensure venues do not get overly busy so visitors may be asked to wait for a few minutes until others have left.

For the CAT meetings we are retaining a booking system so we can monitor the number of people wishing to attend. Each venue has a fairly large capacity but if the number of registrations approaches that figure we will look to add an additional meeting at that venue. Click here to reserve a space.  External Hyperlink (opens in new window)

What dates are the Exhbitions and CAT Meetings?

The exhibitions and CAT meetings will be held on the following dates:

Exhibition Events

Exhibition events welcome residents to come and view our Local Plan Exhibition. This provides you with the opportunity to learn about the Local Plan and ask our Planning Officers questions. The events will run from 3:00pm until 5:30pm. You can turn up on the day without needing to reserve a space. If venues become crowded you may be asked to wait for a few minutes at the door.

CAT Meetings

At these events residents are invited to come and listen to a presentation given by our Executive Leader and Head of Planning Strategy and Economic Development about the Local Plan with time for questions at the end. The meetings will begin at 6:00pm and end at 7:30pm.

The meetings will be held at the same venues and on the same dates as the exhibitions listed above. Click here to reserve a space. External Hyperlink (opens in new window)


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