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Covid-19 Special Grants Programme

The purpose of the grant

The Covid-19 Special Grants programme aims to help address some of the financial pressures that smaller charitable, voluntary and community organisations may have faced during the pandemic.

Smaller organisations have not yet been able to access financial support and have seen a loss in finances due to being closed throughout the pandemic, as well as an increase in costs for PPE and cleaning materials when they have re-opened.

The grant will enable groups to apply for a quick and easy one off payment to help some of these financial pressures. Please note that an application can be made even if an organisation is not carrying out its usual functions as a result of Covid-19.

Who can apply?

Applications are open to small charitable, voluntary and community organisations and must demonstate that they meet all of the following criteria to qualify for the grant:

The grant will not be available to profit making organisations, organisations with reserves in excess of one year's expenditure, or to those organisations that have already received funding from Fareham Borough Council during the pandemic, including the Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant.

Please click here to view groups who have been helped by the Covid-19 Special Grant. PDF (81 KB)

What can you apply for?

Groups can apply for a one-off grant of £250.

There is a limited amount of funding available and grants will be offered on a first come, first served basis.

How to apply

Please complete this application form. Please note that any applications received after 17th December will not be considered until 6th January.

If you are unable to complete the application form above, please email us at and we will send you over a Word version.

We will also require a copy of your constitution and accounts to complete the application, which you can attach to your application form.

More information

If you would like to discuss further please contact the Leisure and Community Team on 01329 236100 or email


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