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The Prompt Payment Code

Fareham Borough Council signed up to the Prompt Payment Code External Hyperlink in April 2013. We recognise that prompt payment is critical to the cash flow of every business, and especially to smaller businesses within the supply chain.

The Prompt Payment Code is about encouraging and promoting best practice between organisations and their suppliers. By signing up to the code, we commit to paying our suppliers within clearly defined terms, and commit also to ensuring there is a proper process for dealing with any issues that may arise.

We hope this means that we can build strong relationships with our suppliers, safe in the knowledge that they will be paid, and confident that they are working with a council that values the service they provide.


The Prompt Payment Code logo

The Prompt Payment Code signatories undertake to:

1. Pay suppliers on time

2. Give clear guidance to suppliers

3. Encourage good practice

Prompt Payment - Complaints or Disputes related to Fareham Borough Council Purchase Orders

If you are experiencing payment delay for an invoice you have sent us for completed works, goods or services, please contact our Exchequer Services quoting the purchase order reference and invoice number.

Prompt Payment - Complaints or Disputes related to working with Main Contractors or Suppliers to the Council

If you are engaged as a sub-contractor to a Main Contractor or Supplier of the Council and find your invoices are not being paid to the terms you agreed with the contractor/supplier you should:

  1. Check if the Main Contractor/Supplier has signed up to the Prompt Payment Code External Hyperlink.  If the Prompt Payment Code site shows that it has, click on the "challenge" button and follow the process described
  2. If the Main Contractor/Supplier has not signed up to the code and is not responding to your request for payment, please contact the Council's Procurement Officer providing a summary of the situation

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