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Public Notice - Recording and Use of Social Media

You are welcome to report the proceedings of this meeting by using social media, providing the meeting or part of it is open to the public.

Other members of the public or press may also audio record or film for live or subsequent broadcast.

At the start of the meeting the Chairman will make an announcement to confirm that all or part of the meeting may be audio recorded or filmed, including which agenda items, if any, are to be considered with the press and public excluded.

The layout of the venue means that the Council cannot guarantee a seat/location that is outside the range of any camera, broadcasting or recording equipment. Therefore, by entering the meeting room and using the public seating area you are consenting to being filmed or recorded and to the possible use of those images and sound recordings through the media and/or public and commercial outlets.

If you have any queries regarding this please contact the Democratic Services Officer at the meeting.

Note – If you are intending to audio record or film this meeting you should:

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